Get $280 Worth Of Hellboy Comics For Only $18

Amid the constant stream of Marvel and DC Universe media, it’s sometimes easy to forget there’s a vast world of comic heroes beyond the capes and tights crowd. One of the best of these non-superhero heroes is Hellboy, the Nazi-fighting, ghost-busting half-demon created by Mike Mignola–and thanks to a new Humble bundle deal, you can snag a huge collection of Hellboy comics for cheap.

Humble’s Hellboy Comics Bundle comes in multiple options, starting with a $1 bundle that includes Hellboy Volume 1: Seed of Destruction, four Hellboy one-shot issues, and a coupon code for 25% off new Humble Choice subscriptions. Hellboy Volume 1: Seeds of Destruction collects the comic series’ first arc, telling the origins of Hellboy and his most iconic foe, Rasputin, making this is a perfect starter package for new Hellboy readers.

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Source: Gamespot