GTA 6 Trailer Helps Tom Petty Song Surge 37,000% On Spotify

Grand Theft Auto 6‘s announcement trailer used the 1989 Tom Petty song “Love Is A Long Road,” and that song has, unsurprisingly, seen a massive uptick in streams on Spotify this week.

According to IGN, Spotify said streams of the tune on its platform rose by 36,979% compared to this time last week. This is to say nothing of the growth in streams across all the other music services, in addition to anyone who might have bought the song or the album outright.

Petty died in 2017. His estate said on social media that it was an “honor” to have Rockstar use “Love Is A Long Road” in the GTA 6 trailer. This wasn’t the first Petty song used in a GTA game, as Petty’s “Running’ Down A Dream” was featured in GTA: San Andreas.

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Source: Gamespot