Newest Days Gone Video Explores The Undead Dangers Of Its World

Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment

Developer: SIE Bend Studio

Release: April 26, 2019

Rating: Rating Pending

Platform: PlayStation 4

After Days Gone’s delay into April, Sony has used the opportunity to supply tons of footage and info about the game over time. Today, Sony Bend has released a new trailer for the game detailing the many zombie types you will be running from and fighting in Days Gone.

Check out the trailer below.

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The video also gets into the various ways you’ll be exterminating these different enemies, like substituting a burning crossbow bolt for a molotov in a pinch, or repairing your melee weapons on the fly so you don’t get stuck up the creek without a paddle.

Days Gone releases on PlayStation 4 on April 26.

Source: Gameinformer