Now Accepting Fall 2019 Game Informer Intern Applications

It’s been another amazing year for video games (and we’ll never stop saying that), but with the changing seasons comes a new opportunity for aspiring video games journalists. We’re now accepting applications for Game Informer’s Fall 2019 internship term.

For details on Game Informer’s three-month-long editorial internship click here. If that sounds exciting, you can send a cover letter, resume, and three writing samples (as a single pdf) to – be sure to include the text of your writing samples in the application. The Fall internship will run from September 11 through December 13. We’ll continue to accept applications until August 5, so please send your packet along before then!

For more on Game Informer’s internship program, list to our last term of interns talk about their experience on the Game Informer Show.

Click here to watch embedded media

Source: Gameinformer