Preorders For New Pokemon Trading Card Collections And Decks Up At Best Buy

Several new Pokemon trading card game boxes are set to launch on February 23, 2024, including new collector boxes based on popular Pokemon, and two new ex battle decks.

First is the $60 Combined Powers Premium Collection which includes foil cards of legendary Pokemon from the Johto region, Lugia ex, Ho-Oh ex, and Suicune ex, plus a foil Mr. Mime and 11 booster packs. Then there’s the $21 Mabosstiff ex box set which comes with foil cards of Mabosstiff ex and and Maschiff, and four booster packs. The full details of everything included in both boxes, plus links to preorder, are listed below.

Lastly, there are two new $10 ex battle decks dropping on February 23, one featuring Melmetal ex and the other Houndoom ex. Both 60-card decks come with a foil card of their marquee Pokemon, plus a rulebook and accessories for playing. While these are technically two separate decks, for now they are only available in a mystery preorder deal at Best Buy where you receive one of the two decks at random per order.

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Source: Gamespot