Replay – Silent Hill: Downpour

Click to watch embedded media Watch the Game Informer crew explore a spooky town filled with lots of fog and maybe a few dogs in this look back at Konami’s classic horror series. Silent Hill: Downpour is the eighth game in this highly adored franchise and was developed by Vatra Games, a studio that only made two games: this one and the miserable Rush’n Attack: Ex-Patriot. Downpour received a decent 7 out of 10 rating from Game Informer, and we’ll see how well that rating and the game hold up today.

The stream starts at 2 PM Central, so please jump into the chat and ask any question that comes to mind. We’ll do our best to answer them as we explore this 2012 release for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Subscribe over on YouTube, Twitch, Mixer, Twitter, or Facebook to get notified when we go live! Enjoy the show!

Source: Gameinformer