Rumor: Ni No Kuni Remastered Leaked For All Platforms

I am not even sure I can come up with opening paragraph introductions for these anymore. A bunch of Bandai Namco E3 announcements leaked, like a FromSoftware game and a new Tales game. Everything is still technically a rumor, but we can add a third one to the pile: Ni no Kuni Remastered.

This would be the first game, which released only on PS3 in 2011 in Japan and 2013 in America. Well, technically there was also a DS version in Japan, but it was fairly different and did not come West. The remaster is listed for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. 

You might be wondering why there is no Switch listing, when Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition came to the console after its E3 announcement last year. Poking around the metadata, while Ni No Kuni Remastered is coming to the above mentioned platforms, a listing for just Ni No Kuni lists a Switch version. It might be as simple as the suggestion that the Remastered game has certain graphical refinements and 4K resolution that the Switch version isn’t capable of, so Switch gets the game but not a “Remastered” version of it.

At this rate, I’m sure Bandai Namco will leak clarification at some point, anyway.

Source: Gameinformer