Ryan Reynolds Reacts To Deadpool 3 Leaks: "Surprises Are Part Of The Magic"

Deadool 3 is back in production now that the Hollywood strikes have ended, so naturally, images from the set have leaked again on social media. Ryan Reynolds, who stars as Deadpool and is a producer on the film, has released a statement regarding the leaks. He said the leaks are happening because the team chose to film the movie outdoors in real environments as opposed to on a studio lot behind closed doors. Reynolds lamented how some of the movie’s surprises might have been spoiled due to the leaks, but he also recognized this is not a “real world” issue.

“Surprises are part of the magic of theatrical movies. It’s important for us to shoot the new Deadpool film in real, natural environments, using practical effects, as opposed to making the movie indoors and digitally,” Reynolds said on Instagram. “Telephoto lenses continue to spoil surprises and create a difficult situation for everyone. Here’s hoping some of the websites and social channels hold back showing images before they’re ready.”

He added: “The film is built for audience joy–and our highest hope is to preserve as much of that magic as possible for the finished film and the big screen. Part of the reason people post spoilers is because they’re excited. I realize these aren’t real world issues and it’s firmly in the ‘good problems’ bucket. I love making this movie.”

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Source: Gamespot