Sure, it might be a pain to wrap, but you can’t go wrong with the festive gift of a high-quality lightsaber replica for the Star Wars fan in your home. Over on Amazon and Best Buy, you can buy a more elegant weapon from a more civilized age at a discounted price, as Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber is on sale for $140.

Normally $280, this is a Black Series release of the weapon that Skywalker wielded in Return of the Jedi. It has authentic detailing that matches the design of the screen-used prop, advanced LEDs that recreate the signature green glow of that Jedi weapon, and several sound effects so that you don’t have to make whooshing noises when you wave it around.
A switch button on the hilt can be used to activate entertainment-inspired sound effects, like a progressive ignition, battle clash effects, wall-cutting sounds, blaster deflect flashes, duel effects, and a battle sequence mode. When you’re not reenacting your favorite Jedi battles, you can proudly display this prop on its included stand, with or without the removable blade.
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Source: Gamespot