Steam To Remove Video Section From Store

For the last several years in addition to selling games, Steam also sold movies in a video section. Though the section included hits like John Wick and The Conjuring, it was never packed to the gills with big releases and trailed behind other platforms that sold videos online like Amazon. Today Steam revealed that it was removing the section after conducting a review that unsurprisingly showed its customers were much more interested in gaming content

Here’s the statement in full:

For the past few years, we have worked on expanding Steam beyond games and software by building a video platform that supports paid and free video content. In reviewing what Steam users actually watch, it became clear we should focus our effort on offering content that is either directly related to gaming or, is accessory content for games or software sold on Steam. 
As part of this refocus, we have retired the Video section of the Steam Store menu with an expectation that video content is discovered via the associated game or software store page, or through search, user tags, recommendations, etc. 
Over the coming weeks a number of non-gaming videos will be retired and will no longer be available for purchase. Previously purchased content will remain available to owners.

For more on Steam, check out some of the changes coming to the platform this year.

Source: Gameinformer