Tetris 99 Weekend Event Gives Top 999 Winners $10 In Eshop Credit

When Tetris 99 was announced in a Nintendo Direct, Nintendo said there would be upcoming events to get players together, but didn’t reveal any details about what those might be. Today, we got details of the first event, which ranks the top 999 players during a specific time frame and earn rewards for doing so.

Beginning on March 8, players will simply play Tetris 99 as normal and try to rack up as many wins as possible in what is called the Maximus Cup. You have through March 10 to get those wins and be one of the top players and you’ll be given 999 Nintendo coins, which is basically $10 in eShop credit.

Only first place finishes count, so being top three is not good enough to get credit. Do you have what it takes to be one of the best Tetris 99 players in the world? You can check out the website for all the details.

Source: Gameinformer