Remedy’s Control has a distinct art direction, contrasting the fluidity of the otherworldly threat, The Hiss, with the sharp, brutalist architecture of its bureaucratic setting. During our cover story trip, Remedy showed us several concept art images that illustrate different environments and enemies which can be viewed below.
Click any of the images to see them full size.
The Hiss is an unpredictable and aggressive entity, quickly possessing everything that comes in its path since it craves to gain as much power as possible. In the art above, we see Bureau employees suspended in midair as the Hiss takes over them.
This concept image gives a peek at the Brutalist architecture and M.C. Escher-style environments that you can find in Control’s setting, The Oldest House.
This is another concept for an environment inside The Oldest House that’s called the mailroom. Large, tall pipes reach up to the ceilings and look almost as if they were natural like flora in a deep forest.
Bureau employees infected by The Hiss go through stages of infection until they barely resemble the human beings they once were. This concept art was made specifically to test out how the flowing movements of these creatures would look inside the game.
Taking place in an area called the Mold Threshold, you can see spores and infectious mold taking over the room completely.
This is another piece of art showing a Bureau employee become possessed by The Hiss, which can often be spotted by its intense red color.
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Source: Gameinformer