Watch Dogs Legion Confirmed By Ubisoft

Well, one thing you can say about Ubisoft, they don’t mind confirming a leak. Whether in response to yesterday’s Amazon UK leak or perhaps even as a part of it, Ubisoft has confirmed that Watch Dogs Legion is indeed the title of the third Watch Dogs game and it will be showing up at E3.

God Save the NPCs. Reveal at E3. #WatchDogsLegion #UbiE3
— Watch Dogs Legion (@watchdogsgame) June 4, 2019

God Save the NPCs certainly confirms a lot of the Amazon listing’s details, such as a London setting and a focus on being able to play as any NPC in the game. Aside from that, the tweet only shows a pulsing Watch Dogs logo, so we probably have to wait until Ubisoft’s E3 conference to see more.

Speaking of, Ubisoft will be holding their E3 stage show at their normal time on Monday, June 10 at 1:00 p.m. PT.

Source: Gameinformer