Wolfenstein Youngblood's New Trailer Offers First Look At Bloody Gameplay

The next entry in MachineGames’ Wolfenstein series made a surprise debut at E3 last year. Youngblood was revealed to be a story that takes place after the in-progress The New Order trilogy, effectively serving as standalone game before the third title’s release. Initial details were scant, with a quick trailer showing we’d be playing as protagonist B.J. Blazkowicz’s daughters taking on Nazis in Paris.

Today, Bethesda finally lifted the veil to show off some bloody co-op gameplay (as well as reveal that the game was being co-developed by Dishonored creators Arkane). Get your first glimpse right here:

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Wolfenstein Youngblood is out July 26. For more on Wolfenstein, check out our review of the last entry as well as this history on the whole series.

Source: Gameinformer