Amiibo figures might not be as popular as they once were, but in 2017’s The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, they were great ways to get not only an abundance of resources but also exclusive rewards. With The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom carrying forward and expanding much of what made Breath of the Wild so special more than six years ago, I decided to scan through the entire Legend of Zelda collection of Amiibo figures across multiple days to see what each figure yields.
It’s worth noting that these figures’ rewards all come with RNG mechanics, meaning that many of the good drops will require you to scan the figures multiple days before getting the reward you’re really after. You’ll definitely see that in the results below, as I had to scan some Amiibo figures several times before getting to the good stuff. In addition, it’s also entirely likely (and probable) that the Link figures that depict the same version of the character yield the same items (see: Wind Waker Link and Toon Link). However, the list below is meant to simply share our results from scanning these characters.
Check out the results of our multiple-day Amiibo scan-a-thon below.
Breath of the Wild Link (Archer)
Accompanying Items
- Fish
- Meat
- Arrows
Common Items
- Soldier’s Bow
Rare/Unique Items
- Ancient Blade
- Tunic of Memories
Breath of the Wild Link (Rider)
Accompanying Items
- Mushrooms
Common Items
- Soldier’s Broadsword
Rare/Unique Items
- Hylian Hood Fabric
Skyward Sword Link
Accompanying Items
- Wooden Crates
Common Items
- Knight’s Broadsword
- Knight’s Shield
Rare/Unique Items
- Sword-Spirit Fabric
- Trousers of the Sky
- Tunic of the Sky
Wolf Link
Accompanying Items
- Meat
Common Items
- N/A
Rare/Unique Items
- Mirror of Twilight Fabric
Twilight Princess Link
Accompanying Items
- Fruit
Common Items
- Knight’s Broadsword
- Knight’s Shield
Rare/Unique Items
- Cap of Twilight
- Epona
- Trousers of Twilight
Super Smash Bros. Link
Accompanying Items
- Fruit
Common Items
- Soldier’s Shield
Rare/Unique Items
- Epona
- Tunic of Twilight
Wind Waker Link
Accompanying Items
- Fish
Common Items
- Knight’s Broadsword
Rare/Unique Items
- Sea-Breeze Boomerang
- Trousers of the Wind
Toon Link
Accompanying Items
- Fish
Common Items
- Boomerang
- Knight’s Broadsword
Rare/Unique Items
- Cap of the Wind
- Tunic of the Wind
Majora’s Mask Link
Accompanying Items
- Mushrooms
Common Items
- Knight’s Broadsword
Rare/Unique Items
- Fierce Deity Mask
- Majora’s Mask Fabric
Ocarina of Time Link
Accompanying Items
- Meat
Common Items
- Soldier’s Claymore
Rare/Unique Items
- Trousers of Time
Young Link
Accompanying Items
- Meat
Common Items
- Soldier’s Claymore
Rare/Unique Items
- Biggoron’s Sword
Link’s Awakening Link
Accompanying Items
- Barrels
Common Items
- Soldier’s Broadsword
Rare/Unique Items
- Tunic of Awakening
8-Bit Link
Accompanying Items
- Barrels
- Explosive Barrels
Common Items
- Knight’s Broadsword
- Knight’s Shield
Rare/Unique Items
- Sword of the Hero
- Tunic of the Hero
Tears of the Kingdom Link
Accompanying Items
Common Items
Rare/Unique Items
Note: We did not get our hands on a Tears of the Kingdom Amiibo figure ahead of launch, and as such, did not have a chance to scan it in the game prior to the creation of this feature. We will update this guide as we are able to scan the newest Amiibo figure into Tears of the Kingdom.
Breath of the Wild Zelda
Accompanying Items
- Herbs
Common Items
- Amber
- Opal
- Royal Shield
- Sapphire
Rare/Unique Items
- Hyrule-Princess Fabric
Skyward Sword Zelda & Loftwing
Accompanying Items
- Vegetables
Common Items
- Knight’s Bow
- Soldier’s Bow
Rare/Unique Items
- Goddess Fabric
Twilight Princess Zelda
Accompanying Items
- Herbs
Common Items
- Soldier’s Bow
Rare/Unique Items
- Dusk Bow
- Princess of Twilight Fabric
Wind Waker Zelda
Accompanying Items
- Herbs
Common Items
- Amber
- Opal
- Royal Shield
Rare/Unique Items
- Bygone Royal Fabric
- Sea-Breeze Shield
Accompanying Items
- Mushrooms
Common Items
- Eightfold Blade
- Phrenic Bow
Rare/Unique Items
- Sheik Fabric
- Sheik Mask
- Shield of the Mind’s Eye
Accompanying Items
- Meat
Common Items
- Opal
- Topaz
Rare/Unique Items
- Dusk Claymore
- Gerudo Claymore
Accompanying Items
- Metal Crates
Common Items
- Rusty Claymore
- Rusty Halberd
- Rusty Shield
Rare/Unique Items
- Ancient Blade
- Ancient-Sheikah Fabric
Accompanying Items
- Amber
- Flint
- Rock Salt
Common Items
- Cobble Crusher
Rare/Unique Items
- Goron-Champion Fabric
Accompanying Items
- Fish
Common Items
- Zora Spear
Rare/Unique Items
- Zora-Champion Fabric
Accompanying Items
- Apples
- Arrows
Common Items
- Swallow Bow
Rare/Unique Items
- Falcon Bow
- Vah Medoh Divine Helm
Accompanying Items
- Meat
Common Items
- Gerudo Scimitar
Rare/Unique Items
- Gerudo-Champion Fabric
Accompanying Items
- Meat
Common Items
- Spiked Boko Shield
Rare/Unique Items
- N/A
Source: Gamenews